
Healing Guy
Most of my life I have invested my time in studying Universal Laws, Quantum Mechanics, Epigenetics, Chinese Medicine, Reiki, Vibrational Medicine, Sound Therapy, The Chakra System and on and on SO THAT YOU DON’T HAVE TO.

Robert Phoenix
Roberts forecasts have been uncannily accurate, actually foreseeing the death of David Bowie 2 days before it happened while getting out ahead of the curve on the Trump presidency (he called it) & public events,i.e. shootings, disasters & politics. In 2013/14 Robert produced & appeared in 25 episodes of “The Eleventh House” on Gaia.Tv.

Hypnosis Over Easy
Phyllis Barrington is a hypnotherapist by trade but also an intuitive light worker, offering solutions by using emotional techniques along with her own trademark of Quantum Energetics.

Pat Trotter
Born in the Bronx, the daughter of an Air Force officer, Pat spent much of her life moving from place to place. She spent 30 years in Lexington, Kentucky and worked in marketing and television in the Thoroughbred industry.

Lark Oxler
Through the ups and downs of my life, one constant has been the magic that happens because of a conversation with a trusted friend, colleague, or even with a total stranger over a cup of coffee. Looking back, these caffeinated moments have created a dot-to-dot, shaping me into WHO I AM.

Cheryl Schoen
‘I have had a lifelong love affair with photography. I think it began in 6th grade and just continued over the years. Creating images with my Canon is deeply personal to me and time with my shutter is something I relish.’